PIMCO advocating an opportunistic approach to real estate

Pimco’s recent report ‘Real Estate Reckoning’ talks how their outlook for commercial real estate investing largely advocates an opportunistic approach to capturing value in real estate markets. Our Opportunistic Credit strategy is a value driven investment strategy that provides capital in scenarios where market inefficiencies and/or transactional idiosyncrasies create liquidity demands that can drive enhanced … Read more

Franklin Templeton’s Benefit Street Partners launches second opportunistic real estate debt fund

Good to see another major institutional investor choosing opportunistic credit as the best means of addressing current real estate markets, with Franklin Templeton‘s Benefit Street Partners launching their second opportunistic debt fund.  Our opportunistic credit strategy focuses on idiosyncratic real estate opportunities, such as recapitalisations, refinancing, time-crunched transactions as well as distressed and stressed scenarios. Our … Read more

Alternative lenders to the rescue

Non-bank financing is offering solutions to the debt funding gap React News recently reported on the commercial real estate financing gap in Europe and how alternative lenders can play a significant role here. They reported that 2024 is shaping up to be crucial for refinancing, with industry experts projecting a debt funding gap of €51bn … Read more

British Land Life Sciences push continues, with 48,000 sq ft lab letting at the Priestly Building

The life sciences sub-sector within real estate continues to go from strength to strength, with British Land letting 48,000 sq ft of lab-enabled space to leading global life science company LGC, in what is one of the largest life sciences deals in the UK this year. At Zenzic, we believe investors should be able to … Read more

UBS and Reed confirm £900m life sciences deal with GSK

Post the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of a high-class life science industry is self-evident. Yet the scale of the industry, and the resources required to sustain it, are perhaps still underappreciated. In our white paper, we looked at repositioning secondary office sites into life sciences assets. UBS is doing just that with this exciting development … Read more

Why this is the ‘Golden Era of Credit’?

Interesting to hear Bruce Richards discussing with Institutional Investor why he believes for the first time in 20 years, credit will offer better absolute returns than equity. He explains why we are now in a Golden Era for Credit, where not only can you earn an attractive rate of return in the liquid credit market, … Read more

Weakening credit and tightening lending conditions drive compelling value

Came across an interesting report by PIMCO who, like us, believe higher interest rates and tighter lending conditions are creating a very attractive environment for opportunistic credit managers with flexible capital to fill large liquidity gaps. In Europe, investors need to work with experienced real estate investors, who have the experience and skill set to … Read more

Funds Europe ‘Women in Alternatives’ webinar with Nadine Buckland

Nadine Buckland joined Funds Europe’s live-streamed webinar, with a panel of industry experts who shared insights relating to their careers and experiences, exploring the trends they are seeing within the alternative investment industry and discussed the hot topics around the gender component of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI). The panel included: Nicola Le Brocq, Director … Read more